Michael Velasco

Michael Velasco

Michael Velasco, who has been acting president of the Fresh Produce Consortium since the beginning of the year, was appointed president of the FPC at a recent Council meeting and announced at the association’s annual general meeting.

Velasco is the chairman of Rodanto Imports Exports Limited, a liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Fruiterers and has a wealth of experience in the fresh produce industry,

FPC chief executive Nigel Jenney said Velasco “will be highly beneficial to the association and its members.

“His commitment over the last year in an acting capacity has been very much appreciated and we are pleased, as we head towards the end of a very busy and eventful year, and look forward to 2007, to be doing so with Michael as president of the FPC.”

Jim Rogers, ceo of Fesa (UK) Ltd, is the new chairman of the FPC Importers’ Division, a position vacated by Velasco. “He brings tremendous expertise into the division and we are grateful for his commitment to the association,” said Jenney.

Henri Lambriex, ceo of Greencell Ltd, will be Rogers’ vice chairman. Jenney added: “We are pleased to note that his [Lambriex] active contribution and direct approach is already taking effect. “Jim and Henry are also both members of Council and we are looking forward to their input within the FPC.