Valencia PGI performance boost

Volumes marketed under the denomination increased by 51 per cent to 5,848 tonnes from 3,867t the previous season. Also the number of producers and the acreage registered under the IGP has increased from 4,645 growers in 2001-02 to 5,396 growers last season ñ up 16 per cent ñ with acreage up by 26 per cent. The number of packhouses registered to the scheme, which guarantees not only the source of the product but also its quality has also increased by 50 per cent to 22.

Agriculture minister for the regional executive in Valencia ,Gema Amor announced at the recent plenary session for the regulatory body of the IGP that she will encourage growers around the region to join the initiative and praised its work in establishing the IGP as a quality mark for the region's citrus fruit.
