The first-ever shipments of Indian mangoes are expected to set off to the US market in the next few days, after the latter country lifted import restrictions on the fruit.
US trade representative Susan Schwab, currently chairing the India-US Trade Policy Forum and attending the WTO’s G-4 and G-6 meetings in India, said she was “looking forward” to seeing Indian mangoes on sale in the US.
Lifting the ban on mango imports was among the major successes achieved by the trade policy forum, which was announced 18 months ago by Indian prime minister Manmohan Singh and US president George Bush.
In addition to mangoes, bilateral almond trade will also be opened up because of the forum’s efforts.
Separately, the US and the Philippines have firmed up a “work plan” to allow exports of Philippine mangoes to the US. The fruits will have to undergo vapour treatment before shipping is allowed.