The US Apple Association reports fresh apple stocks in the US at February 1, 2002 were 16 per cent below last year's levels for the same period and 12 per cent below the five-year average. However, movement last month was only five per cent below average for the month, suggesting that apple stocks in the US are clearing faster than usual.
On a variety basis, Red Delicious stocks are some 16 per cent below last year and 21 per cent below the five-year average.
Golden Delicious was 23 per cent down on last year and 26 per cent below the five-year average.
However Granny Smith holdings were up on last year by 18 per cent and 19 per cent higher than the five-year figure.
Two of the leading export varieties to the UK have lower stocks than usual for the time of year. Empire volumes are down two per cent on last year and on the five-year average and McIntosh shows a three per cent decline on last season and 26 per cent drop in stock levels compared to the five-year figure.
Fuji stocks were down by 33 per cent compared to last year but were up two per cent compared to the five-year average.
And Gala showed a 14 per cent decrease on last year's levels but a massive 43 per cent increase on the five-year figure. This reflects newer plantings of the variety coming on stream.