Apple movement out of stocks in the US has been brisk with fresh supplies calculated to be at their lowest levels for 10 years, according to a report released by trade body USApple last month. This has helped to boost returns to growers above both last season's disappointing levels and the five-year average since the start of the year.
'At this juncture of the season, the market is performing as expected,' said Jim Cranney USApple vice president. 'Fresh apple movement has been good and apple quality has remained high for apples coming out of controlled atmosphere storage. The industry is poised to finish the season on a high note.' Red Delicious holdings were 17 per cent down on last season and 22 per cent below the five-year average at March 1, whereas Granny Smith was 17 per cent up and 21 per cent up for the two periods respectively. Fuji holdings were 35 per cent and one per cent down and Gala was 16 per cent down on last season but 56 per cent up on the five year average reflecting increased production of this newer variety.
Meanwhile the picture was slightly different for Empire and McIntosh, both popular cultivars among UK consumers. Fresh Empire holdings had climbed four per cent on last season at March 1 and were four per cent up on the five-year average. McIntosh holdings were six per cent down year-on-year and 27 per cent below the five year average.