Univeg-Expofrut, the Argentinean arm of Belgian produce giant Univeg, has boosted its topfruit exports to more than 52,000 tonnes during the first quarter of this year, according to a report by rionegro.com.ar.

The 17 per cent increase (over the same period last year) cements the company’s position of leadership in the industry, with Univeg-Expofrut representing 22 per cent of total topfruit sendings from the Ports of San Antonio and Bahía Blanca.

Patagonian Fruit (PFT) currently ranks as the second-largest Argentinean topfruit supplier, handling a little over 45,000 tonnes of apples and pears or 19 per cent of the overseas trade, according to the report.

PAI ranks in third place, with a volume of 29,000 tonnes, down 12 per cent on the first quarter of 2010.

Among the top 10 companies in volume terms, the report said those with the biggest export increases include: Emelka (whose shipments have risen by 115 per cent), Moño Azul (60 per cent) and Montever (58 per cent).

In absolute value terms, Moño Azul has most increased its topfruit sales (to 9,300 tonnes), followed by Univeg-Expofrut and PAI (with 7,700 tonnes each).
