UK strawberry plants are catching up following the cold spring and producers now expect the maincrop to start on time.
“The maincrop should start in line with a normal season,” said Nick Marston, md of KG Fruits. “It will not be an early season and therefore there is some risk of oversupply at the peak in late June/early July, but the early sites are looking normal and later sites - such as Lancashire and Scotland - are still running later because of the cold spring.”
The Summerfruit Company is expecting good volumes of English fruit to start coming forward between June 7-14. “Meanwhile, there is some superlative quality English glasshouse Elsanta available with every indication that these will provide continuity up until the changeover,” said TSC’s Scott Woolford.
Marston reported that the crop overall is looking “in very good shape.
“We had a very good autumn which helped flower initiation for June bearers and so we are expecting a good crop,” he said.
Glasshouse sites are at the peak of production and growers with early tunnels in the south-east of England and the West Country started picking modest quantities this week, Marston reported.
KG has high hopes this season for Driscoll everbearer Jubilee. “We should have some 4,000 tonnes this year,” said Marston. “We are really aiming it at the premium label market. It has got a good, pronounced sweet flavour and is loads better to eat than Elsanta.”
KG is also trialing tray-plant production to try and produce the variety from late May onwards to give availability throughout June and so meet the traditional July-October window for everbearers.