Lincolnshire Field Products (LFP) launched its new, certified organic spring onions into Asda stores for the very first time last week.
The crop is notoriously hard to grow in the UK. “Spring onions (or salad onions) are prone to pest and diseases when grown in the wrong soil using the wrong varieties in the wrong part of the country; if all of the things which go towards growing a healthy crop of onions are not there, the crop will not make the grade,” Ben Harris from LFP told freshinfo.
“We have certainly given particular attention to the detail and kept the crop as healthy as we could through its life and, so far, the results have looked and tasted fantastic.”The UK organic spring onions will be present in as many Asda stores as possible, explained Harris, but LFP will concentrate on the stores in and around Nottinghamshire, where the crops are grown. “Customers we have spoken to in local stores so far have been delighted that the organics are grown locally and have commented on how good they taste,” said Harris.LFP is expecting to supply around 7,500 bunches a week from early July to mid-October July, seasonal conditions permitting.
“In 2008 we are hoping to have salad onions ready sooner than July, hopefully in April, by using a number of different growing methods,” says Harris.
“Asda has been the first to have the crop on its shelves this year, as it has been supportive of the trial. However, if the crop enables us to and other opportunities arise then we may also look to supply elsewhere,” he added.