UK potato harvest slow

The UK potato season continues to be considerably slower than last year with almost 800 hectares less product harvest at this point.

According to information published in the Potato Weekly report, issued by Potato Council, total early harvest to July 18 in UK was estimated at 4,713 hectare, compared with 5,508 ha in 2008.

Last year, a promising, hot early season gave way to heavy rain and subsequent quality issues but this year no such issues have affected crops and harvesting has been slower.

In the South, crops have received sufficient moisture but are short of some sunshine to receive optimum conditions while the South East is still short of rain with some instances of Common Scab and Blackleg.

In Pembrokeshire, in south Wales, severe weather conditions slowed growth progress as temperatures dropped and Blackleg continues to be reported in some crops while the Midlands suffered some disruption to harvest from considerable rain.

In Scotland crops generally look well with heavy rain last week topping up moisture levels. Marfona are being lifted with loose skin in the East with other crops being burnt down for set skin supplies.

In the East, most regions had some rain but some as little as just 10mm, and in some cases lifting was restricted.