The government should do more to support the growth of UK cargo ports by tackling bottlenecks in local transport links, a committee of MPs has argued.
The Commons Transport Committee said ports were vital to UK prosperity, but were not being given enough priority.
The MPs added that the UK is at a disadvantage to other EU countries, with inconsistency in who should pay for road improvements around terminals.
Port officials, though, said they were investing in new schemes to benefit port users.
The UK commercial port sector is one of the largest in Europe, employing about 117,000 people.
Freight traffic demand has begun to recover in the past two years after a sharp fall caused during the recession although trade - two thirds of which is based on imports - remains volatile.
The report released by the cross-party committee highlighted continuing delays faced by hauliers in getting to the ports of Liverpool, Hull, Heysham and Felixstowe as evidence of the need for more government action.
Local 'bottlenecks' were picked out as a key concern by Louise Ellman, the Labour MP who chairs the committee.
The report added that port operators should not be expected to 'pick up the entire bill' for road improvements around ports where such projects would deliver 'wider economic benefits'.
While the MPs said they favoured the current mixed model in which both the government and operators contributed to projects, in consultation with local authorities, it said policy must be consistent.
Unlike many ports in Europe, which are state-owned, most ports in the UK are privately run and do not qualify for state subsidies under European Union state aid rules.
But support is provided within the existing EU rules in certain shipping sectors where UK operators are judged to directly compete with European rivals.
Proposals to pay for an upgrade of one of the most congested sections of the A14 - which links Felixstowe with the Midlands - by building a new toll road north of Cambridge have proved controversial.
Lorries could be charged £3 and cars between £1 and £1.50 for using the 12-mile stretch of toll road, although it would be free overnight.
Local MPs and business organisations have said forcing hauliers to pay to use the road during the day would damage the port, the UK's busiest container facility.