Flower supplies from Kenya are being disrputed by continued rioting in parts of the East African country.

Reports on regional website bdafrica.com suggests that between five and 10 per cent of exports are not even reaching Nairobi airport, causing shortfalls in key European markets, but to date that does not include the UK.

FloraHolland, the leading Dutch auction house, said on Thursday that hijackers have attacked and set fire to flower transport trucks, preventing their journey to airports. A spokeswoman at FloraHolland, which counts Kenya as its largest source, told the website: “it is not an enormous impact on the auction” but added that buyers are keeping a close eye on the situation.

With Valentine’s Day (February 14) and Mothers Day (March 2) looming on the horizon, the next eight weeks are a key trading period for flower exporters and Kenya’s wide assortment of roses make it a key supplier to the UK for both high-profile occasions.

So far, major supermarkets have not been hit by the disruption. Asda has gone as far as giving its explicit support for the Kenyan industry. “Many families depend on the revenue generated from supplying products to Asda and it would be inappropriate to cease trading,” said a statament. “We will continue to monitor the situation on an ongoing basis and will review if there is further deterioration.”