Pest management solution provider Exosect has announced that UAP has joined Hutchinsons as a UK distributor of its Exosex CM active mating pest control solution.
UAP is a leading UK distributor of crop protection products and provider of agronomy support services to arable, fruit and vegetable growers, under both conventional and organic growing systems. The distributor also runs comprehensive and independent trial programmes across the UK.
Exosex is a mating disruption system used to control the population of the codling moth, a destructive global pest that threatens apple and pear crops.
Exosect sales and marketing manager Richard Dyason said: “The product proved to be an extremely valuable addition to the growers’ arsenal last year during what was a difficult year for spray timings, therefore, this year, we are delighted to be working with both UAP and Hutchinsons to meet the increasing demands from UK growers.”
UAP purchasing manager Nigel Last said: “We are delighted to be working with Exosect. Exosex CM is a valuable addition to our product portfolio. The need for quality in food production has never been greater. Agriculture is coming under increasing pressure to reduce pesticide residues ad, working with Exosect, our agronomists can provide a tailored service for fruit growers, using the most technically advanced solutions.”
Exosex CM requires only 25 dispensers per hectare, each of which contain a synthetic female codling moth pheromone, which is formulated with Exosect’s unique and natural Entostat powder. The system works by luring males into the dispensers using the female pheromone. Once they enter, the Entostat powder adheres strongly to the bodies of the male. The sensors of the coated moths are overwhelmed, which means that they are unable to detect females, and therefore do not mate. They also act as a false lure for other moths and the mating cycle is disrupted, resulting in fewer caterpillars emerging to cause apple and pear damage. The technique is simple and helps to reduce the use of chemical spraying.