U40s look forward to Germany visit

The Under 40s fruit growers’ association will deliver its 20th conference in Leipzig, eastern Germany, at the end of this month.

For 40 years, the Under 40s association has worked to support and develop the fruit marketing sector through the delivery of bi-annual conferences, giving insight into markets, production and innovation.

Visiting Portugal, Italy, the Netherlands and Spain in the last decade, delegates have had some exciting and varied experiences - but there have also been companies founded, jobs created and friendships forged.

In one of a series of breaks with tradition, the first day of this month’s conference will be technical and consist of marketing presentations by industry leaders representing the event’s sponsors. The Under 40s has a long association with companies such as Bayer CropScience, Omex, NP Seymour and HOPS GB, which are again key supporters, this year joined by Fresca Group. FPJ is the media partner for the conference.

The National Farmers’ Union (NFU) has also lent its support once more and delegates have the opportunity to meet Richard Hirst, chairman of the NFU Horticultural Board, and to discuss issues such as the provision of labour, pesticide approvals and the future of horticulture in the UK. Hirst will be the after-dinner speaker at the gala dinner on January 30.

The programme includes a visit to LVG Erfurt, the National Plant Breeders’ rights trial, Sachen Obst, a large farming co-operative growing stone, top and soft fruit with a large packing and storage facility and Beckers Bester, a juice processor working closely with Innocent and Marks & Spencer.

The 2009 conference will also see the event’s first European delegates, with representatives from Dutch propagators and Polish and German farming co-operatives.

The conference runs from January 28-31. If you have not yet booked your place, please contact Sarah Calcutt on 07894 411743. Delegate places are still only £195.