Fungicide trials conducted to test the crop safety of applications to protected strawberries reveal high crop safety to all treatments. The trial included Talat, for which caution is advised on the label when using under protection.
The trial assessed four mainstream fungicides used in strawberry crops at four sites across the UK, applied at single and double doses. Elsanta was used in all trials with four applications made at 7-10 day intervals.
Talat was shown to be safe in the trial, even at temperatures up to 30°C. No phytotoxic symptoms were seen on any part of any of the strawberry plants trialled.
Independent agronomist Paul Keutenius of Soft Fruit Solutions said he typically recommends Talat for protected crops. “It’s particularly useful for early season treatments,” he added.
Talat also has the benefit of offering activity of fenhexamid with tolylfluanid in combination, with a dampening down effect on botrytis inoculum, he said, adding: “It also has the flexibility for application to everbearers, raspberries and other soft fruit.”
Certis, which has recently taken over the marketing of Talat, recommend that to minimise the likelihood of resistance, no more than two consecutive applications of Talat, or products containing fenhexamid or tolylfluanid alone, should be applied within a programme of sprays.
Further trials will be conducted again this year to provide additional data.