Transport makes demands on government

Transport bosses are calling for increased spending from the government in the wake of the general election.

Richard Turner, chief executive of the Freight Transport Association, called for a commitment to improve and expand the trunk network.

He pointed to the fact that transport has failed to be a hot topic of debate during the election, with the general view being taken that “whoever gets elected, expect more of the same”.

“Unfortunately, more of the same is simply not good enough for an industry that delivers the fourth largest economy in the world,” he said.

“We need those wider trade routes we campaigned for last year if we are not going to waste even more time and competitiveness on useless congestion.”

He also called for support for the rail network: “We need commitments from the government that it really does want to provide an adequate network for freight that will allow commercial certainty for users.

“Those companies that decide to go for rail freight are investing in a 20-year season ticket, not a day return.”

He said the industry is also expecting a sensible approach from the chancellor when it comes to issues such as road tax, fuel duty and tolls.

“Our industry already more than pays its way and the stresses of higher costs at the same time as the present hike in oil prices would not be a good idea, to say the least,” he added.