The Freight Transport Association (FTA) has called on the chancellor to make a concerted effort to tackle worsening road and rail congestion in its submission ahead of the comprehensive spending review expected in the autumn. The submission focuses on a five-point action plan that targets investment at schemes that deliver high returns on investment in terms of safety, competitiveness and workforce mobility.

The action plan includes a focus on key motorway and trunk road arteries that form industry's domestic and international trade routes, essential road widening schemes on key sections of the motorway and trunk road network, and making sure large-scale rail infrastructure improvements, which have a significant benefit to rail freight, are treated as a high priority.

The FTA believes that the early delivery of small-scale schemes and 'better use measure' where these provide low-cost, early relief from congestion can be achieved, and want to dedicate public funds to the development of enhanced road and rail links to new port developments, reflecting the use made of those links not only by freight but also by passenger traffic.

Simon Chapman, FTA's chief economist said: “Transport infrastructure investment can yield high returns for the economy. Where these exist, for example on rail and road links serving the ports and on key sectors of our motorway and trunk road network, the government should champion this investment, not keep putting it off.

“Transport infrastructure investment is a competitiveness legacy for future generations. But it also ensures the smooth running of industry's supply chains today, on which we all rely.”