Trade gets half-price deal on EU promotion

The fresh produce industry has been given an opportunity to run a half-price promotional campaign with EU funding.

The Fresh Produce Consortium is calling on the trade to get in touch by next Friday, 30 September, to express interest.

“We do not want to put words in people’s mouths,” said FPC chief executive Nigel Jenney. “We are really just asking the industry ‘do you want to take advantage of this opportunity?’”

The European Commission has said that up to 50 per cent funding could be available for campaigns that are designed to increase levels of information and sales of fresh produce of EU origin within EU countries. However, it has not stated the size of the total funds available.

The FPC has to go back to DEFRA in November with any proposals. Final announcements from the commission would not be until June 2012.

“As the trade association, FPC is eligible to make the application to the EU which will fund up to 50 per cent of marketing and promotional activities,” said Jenney. “Industry would be required to fund the remainder… The bid is required to outline a detailed plan regarding its activities, funding and timeframe for delivery, the duration of which must be between one and three years.”

The FPC council would need to discuss any proposals at its next meeting and if there is committed support for FPC to put in a bid then it will hold a separate meeting with participants ahead of the deadline for application at the end of November.