“Marketing Farm Produce in the New Era” is the title of this year's conference organised by the Institute of Agricultural Management (Berkshire Branch) to be held on February 12 at 7 30 pm at Newbury Rugby Club.

The speakers are:

• David Hughes, Professor of Food Marketing at Imperial College. David is a much sought after speaker at international conferences and seminars. He is one of the foremost experts on marketing of farm produce in this country and overseas. Amongst his many interests he is non executive director of KG Fruits a U.K. farmer owned soft fruit business (£68 million turnover in 2002). He is also an exceptionally enjoyable speaker.

• John Giles of Promar International and chairman of the Food, Drink and Agricultural Group of the Chartered Institute of Marketing. John has a wealth of knowledge and experience in the UK and overseas.

• David Wood who responded to low lamb prices by establishing an extremely successful business “Somerset Farm Direct” selling meat from animals raised on his and selected neighbours' farms direct to the consumer using the internet and mail order.

All (not just from Berkshire) are welcome and there is no charge for admission. If further details are required contact Geoff Adams, chairman, Institute of Agricultural Management (Berkshire Branch) on 0118 9721469 or e-mail geoffrey.adams5@btopenworld.com
