Organisers SCALA Consulting has announced that the 2007 SCALA Annual Logistics Debate will be themed by the question: “Will environmental issues force logistics operations to think the unthinkable?” Supported by the West Midland region of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport UK, the evening debate will be held on July 12 at Wroxall Abbey, near Coventry.

Discussing whether, in their efforts to increase efficiency and costs, logisticians have been ignoring their impact on the environment will be four high profile speakers, yet to be confirmed, representing retailers, suppliers and environmental groups. Then the debate will be thrown discussion open to the 200 top supply chain and logistics professionals attending.

SCALA Annual Logistics Debate is considered an excellent networking event and begins with Pimms on the lawn followed by the debate and supper, providing an opportunity for the top supply chain and logistics professionals to meet and discuss important issues in a relaxed environment.

SCALA has recently undertaken a transport efficiency survey of more than 7,500 vehicles on behalf of the Department for Transport and John Perry, managing director of SCALA Logistics Consulting, said “The environment is now top of the government’s and many company’s agendas. Logisticians find themselves under pressure from chief executives, some of whom may have shown only limited interest in logistics - but are now very aware of the environmental concerns.

“Logistics and supply chain professionals have for many years been developing their strategic plans and striving to create cost effective operations, but usually without any consideration of the impact on the environment. This approach is no longer acceptable, and we must re-prioritise the cost, service and environmental trade offs. This is now a critical subject.”
