As part of British Tomato Week, Stubbins Marketing Ltd was promoting its new season British grown vine tomatoes at the re-launch of the Asda Store in Harlow Town earlier this week. 'Tamsyn the Tomato' helped the Stubbins and Asda team offer young and old Asda customers the chance to taste and buy some of its new range of Asda Extra Special juicy British tomatoes.
Most shoppers were persuaded to try a tomato and many walked away with a packet to buy at the checkout. The British produce impressed customers, with one man commenting: “British tomatoes taste like a tomato should taste.”
Barry Gramlick, store manager of the Asda Harlow store, was also pleased with the event and the reaction of customers. “We have been successfully introducing new lines and extra special ranges, because the customer demand is high for these types of products.
"British Tomato Week is an opportunity for Asda to push forward the message that fresh British tomatoes are good for you and they taste great too. Activity which promotes the consumption of fresh healthy salads with Asda's customers is very important. British-grown product also requires less 'food miles' and can be in our stores quicker than imported products which means it is fresher," added Gramlick.
Gramlick, who has been with Asda for two years, has seen interest in tomatoes grow considerably over that time, “Everyone wants different varieties of tomatoes, people are using them for barbeques now, different varieties, flavours and even colours are also becoming very popular. There has definitely been an increase in demand.”
Stubbins Marketing Limited , a family business that has been going for 30 years, grow a wide selection of Salads in Essex, Wales and Cambridgeshire. John Difrancesco from Stubbins, told FPJ: “The event has gone really well and it is so encouraging as a grower when you hear customers say that the tomatoes taste lovely.”