children eating fruit

A new healthy eating club for toddlers in northern England encourages children to try new or less-popular fresh produce and provides parents with nutrition advice.

Bolton’s Happy Healthy Toddler club is a six-week programme run by the NHS for parents with children between the ages of one and four.

It includes a physical activity session with a snack time where toddlers can try a range of fruit including cucumbers and pineapples.

The club also uses an exposure concept where children try food, such as broccoli, that they don’t like the look of and are praised if they smell, kiss or eat it, Bolton News reported.

While their children play, parents will discuss common issues such as family mealtimes and how to deal with fussy eaters. They will also receive advice and support for healthy eating, portion control and food labelling.

The programme supports the national public health campaign Change4Life, which encourages families to eat well, exercise more and live longer.

Food and health advisor at NHS Bolton Lizzie Ashworth said: “It is really important to establish healthy eating and activity habits while children are young as this will help ensure that they grow up to be happy and healthy adults later life.

“Through the scheme, we’ll encourage each family to share the issues affecting them and, as a group, support each other to develop solutions and overcome problems.”

The club accepts children who have been referred by their doctor or health visitor, or children whose parents feel they do not eat enough.