Ed Garner

Ed Garner

The latest TNS Worldpanel grocery market share figures, published today for the 12 weeks ending March 25, 2007, show the buoyancy of the grocery sector in stark contrast to some of the tales of woe emanating from the rest of the High Street (most recently from Woolworth’s).

Both Asda and Sainsbury post strong year-on-year growths of nine per cent and eight per cent respectively. Ed Garner, director of research, TNS Worldpanel , said: “Surprisingly, these growth rates are now ahead of that for Tesco although at seven per cent, the market leader is still comfortably ahead of overall market performance.

“Between them the top three have added 1.6 share points over the last year. In addition, growth continues at Waitrose and in the discount sector although Aldi and Lidl rather than Netto are picking up the Kwik Save business.”

Morrisons shows turnover growth for the eleventh successive period although it is slightly behind the figure for total grocers. “Morrisons’ recently announced business review will be intended to lift this growth, and hence the share, going forward,” said Garner.

“There are also signs that Somerfield is coming under pressure as its share dips by 0.3 points for a second successive period.”
