TNS: Morrisons on song

TNS: Morrisons on song

The latest TNS Worldpanel grocery market share figures, published today for the 12 weeks ending December 2, show the Morrisons share lifting to 11.3 per cent, up from 11.1 per cent a year ago.

This is the first increase for the 12-weekly Morrisons share (including Safeway) since mid-2002 and shows that the ongoing relaunch and new advertising are starting to bear fruit. Moreover, the sales growth of seven per cent year-on-year is the highest for the major outlets in the current period.

Ed Garner, director of research, TNS Worldpanel, said: “The market continues its buoyant performance in the run-up to Christmas with overall year-on-year growth of five per cent. Tesco, Asda and Sainsbury’s are all running ahead of this to lift their shares.”

Discounters Aldi, Lidl and Netto continue to show growth with shares at of near record levels but this growth has slowed recently as the gains from the Kwik Save demise come to an end.

• The findings are based on TNS Worldpanel data monitoring the household grocery purchasing habits of 25,000 demographically representative households in Great Britain. All data discussed in the above announcement is based on the value of items being bought by these consumers, TNS will only support data that is published in the context we have presented it and our own interpretation of these findings. We cannot be held responsible for any other interpretation of these findings.
