One is always interested to watch if fruits introduced centuries ago can still make headway on modern retail shelves.
The citrus family, for example, became mainstream almost immediately. Others such as the kumquat, discovered in China and then raised at Kew in the mid-19th century, remained on the sidelines. This fruit, however, is still hanging on and arriving at Sainsbury’s from Spain priced at £1. 50 per 150g.
Staying that side of the Pyrenees, Elche pomegranates once seemed to rule the world. Now pomegranates are far more than seasonal with arrivals almost year round drawn from as far afield as India and California.
A more recent newcomer, the kiwiberry, is currently available from Chile at Tesco for £2 per 125g.
Mini pineapples, inevitably, will always occupy the novelty slot when their giant cousins are plentiful and cheap. This has not stopped Morrisons from stocking them at £1.95p each. More unusually, the source is Mauritius.
Meanwhile, Marks and Spencer is using its reputation to endorse the choices it selects for its customers, and giving its growers a boost at the same time. In its apple selection British Jazz at £2 for four carries the news that the variety received a National Fruit Show Award last year.
It is also selling Galaxy Gala apples in a six pack at £2.19. What is equally interesting is that this includes two “free” Kanzi grown apples by Adrian Scripps.
And finally it does not get better than this, if you are a South African plum grower supplying Perfectly Ripe Flavour King. The message from M&S is that it is “Simply the best plum of the year “ – even though it has a short season.—