As the industry surges through its busiest time and the end of 2008 looms, it is poignant to reflect over the last 12 months, the changes to our sector and the people in it.

We have seen some changes at FPC this year and we were delighted to welcome Sian to the team here in Peterborough in May and then Jim Rogers from Fesa UK as our new president in June. We have been thrilled at the number of new FPC members who came on board this year and we are greatly encouraged by your feedback with regard to the services we offer and the work we do on your behalf.

We were sad to hear the news that Alan McCutchion, former FPC president, passed away this week. Alan took the role of president in 2004 and stood down prematurely in 2005 due to ill health. His commitment to the consortium and passion for the industry were greatly valued and he will be sadly missed. We offer our sincere condolences to Alan’s family at this very sad time.

You may have noticed that our website underwent a facelift in the autumn and we hope you like the new look. Development is ongoing and more information and improvements will be added over the coming months, so watch this space.

Organisation of the FPC Annual Dinner on January 31 progresses, and next year’s event is going to be spectacular with our Kenyan colleagues and friends. Our thanks to major sponsor Anglia Business Solutions. It is great to be working with David and his team for the second year running. There is a superb evening in store with a bespoke menu, cabaret consisting of 10 Massai Acrobats, and the popular Dark Blues Band. It really is an event not to be missed, so if you haven’t yet booked your table please do so without delay. You will find the ticket cost is extremely competitive and was set as low as possible with the credit crunch in mind.

Angie, Sian and I wish you all a peaceful Christmas and prosperous New Year. We thank you for your support in 2008 and you can rest assured that in 2009 we will continue to work hard on your behalf to resolve issues that are important to your business and the industry as a whole.