Today (February 11), a packed meeting of the Covent Garden Market Tenants' Association, chaired by Philip Emanuel, unanimously agreed to welcome the report by Nicholas Saphir on the future of London's wholesale markets.

Following a presentation by Leif Mills, chairman of Covent Garden Market Authority, on the background to the Saphir report and its content, there was an open and free question and answer session in which a number of the key issues were raised from the floor and discussed.

Mills and Emanuel then issued the following statement: 'We welcome the central recommendation of the report that there should be three main composite London markets for fruit, vegetables and flowers as well as meat and fish. We believe that New Covent Garden Market is ideally placed to develop its role further as the central market for the catering trade.

'While there are a number of points which need further discussion the key issue is that there should be no restrictions on which products can be sold at which market and that there is free and open competition between wholesale markets in London. We will also be negotiating strongly on behalf of all tenants and workers to ensure the protection of their interests.

'We look forward to taking forward these proposals in conjunction with the other principal parties. This is an historic opportunity to enable London's wholesale markets to develop and prosper in the 21st century and beyond.'