Guernsey flower growers have suddenly got very busy. A cold spring in the island did not encourage early growth, but with improved summer weather, things are looking up.
One flower grower said there has been a flush of all species.
Roses are well out of their winter sleep, with deeper colours this year enhanced by the absence of heat.
Spray carnations are now flushing. There has often been talk on the island of increasing supplies to supermarkets, but several growers have admitted that it is difficult to maintain the necessary degree of continuity.
Spray carnations continue to be preferred to standards, which are seen as too labour intensive. Standards are now grown in the island almost exclusively for the postal trade, which is still proving very successful.
Although flower growing will almost certainly continue to reduce, the postal and ornamental sides of the industry are holding well. An enlarged main post sorting office is nearing completion in the island, which will offer improved facilities for the postal trade.