Greenery soft-fruit packs designed to prolong shelf life

Greenery soft-fruit packs designed to prolong shelf life

Tesco website hits back at rivals' claims - 23 Oct
Tesco has launched a new website to fight back against the claims of rivals and limit the potential fallout from the Competition Commission's probe into the supermarket sector.

Leahy fires Wal-Mart broadside - 04 Oct
Today's Sun newspaper, the UK's leading red-top, reports Tesco chief executive Sir Terry Leahy blasting Wal-Mart, Asda's American owner.

Somerfield set for mega makeover - 06 Oct
Somerfield is set for a £20 million makeover, according to chief executive Paul Mason.

Tesco buyer rewarded for Finest work - 16 Oct
Veteran Tesco produce buyer Roy Maynard has won an award for demonstrating innovation with Finest potatoes in what is considered to be a very mature market.

Plimsoll picks out top performers - 30 Oct
The country's most successful fresh produce companies have been highlighted in a new study published by industry analyst Plimsoll Publishing. Are you amongst them?

Asda firms up no.2 spot - 19 Oct
Asda has strengthened its hold on the number two tag in the latest TNS data.

E.coli traced to single spinach processor - 03 Oct
An E.coli outbreak, which killed one person and left almost 100 people ill in the US earlier this month, has been traced back to a single spinach processor.

Greenery berry pack to extend shelf life - 04 Oct
The Greenery has launched soft-fruit packaging specifically designed to prolong product shelf life.

Asda shamed over English apple commitment - 20 Oct
A public debate between English Apples & Pears and Asda over the promotion of English apples at the UK's number two multiple retailer continued at the National Fruit Show, in Kent, on Wednesday.

World's first purple tomato under development - 23 Oct
US researchers are developing the world's first purple tomato, which contains the same health-giving property as the blueberry.