Comedian Dominic Holland was the star turn at Re:fresh Awards 2006

Comedian Dominic Holland was the star turn at Re:fresh Awards 2006

Asda suppliers speak out - 05 May
Asda's fresh produce suppliers are beginning to voice their discontent at demands they are facing from the retailer for massive cash investment.

Re:fresh Awards - the winners - 12 May
The fresh produce industry turned out in force last night to celebrate the third annual Re:fresh Awards Dinner.

Asda reshuffles its pack - 29 May
Asda has re-organised its produce department in line with feedback from research conducted amongst its customers.

Tesco Fresh & Easy in US - 20 May
Tesco is set to mark its £250 million launch in the US with the brand name Fresh & Easy.

Fresh produce - the best game ever - 17 May
The fresh produce industry was described by one of its protagonists as "the most multi-dimensional business game I've ever played," at the Re:fresh conference last week.

Capespan under pressure - 25 May
Last year proved to be one of its most challenging years yet for Capespan with total volumes of fruit marketed and net profits considerably down.

Wallace: organic not the answer - 15 May
Peckham greengrocer-cum-radio presenter Gregg Wallace has hit out against the validity of organics, saying it is not a guarantee of safe, healthy food or a better existence for farmers.

Organic growers feeling the heat - 13 May
increasing pressure on both the demand for available organic land, and the premium retail price differential between organic and conventional produce, is having a significant impact on the entire organic supply chain.

Caught on film: Re:fresh interviewees - 16 May
Click here to view the introduction video for last week's Re:fresh Conference and see how you can purchase copies for you and your team.

Ex-BBC anchor joins Sainsbury's - 03 May
Former BBC newsreader Anna Ford has joined the board of Sainsbury's as a non-executive director.