Ian Craig heads up new jv Manor Fresh

Ian Craig heads up new jv Manor Fresh

Asda ends single supply in salads - 17 Mar
Asda has changed its sourcing strategy in the salad category and reduced the involvement of Geest-owned English Village Salads.

Asda drops "low prices" slogan - 06 Mar
Asda is turning its back on its 30-year low prices slogan as part of a major revamp and boosting marketing spend to £45 million, according to reports.

Sainsbury's suspends BRC membership - 19 Mar
The UK's number three supermarket chain Sainsbury's has suspended its membership of the British Retail Consortium, the retail industry's trade association.

Suppliers price backlash - 10 Mar
Growers and suppliers are beginning to speak out against retail pricing, as competition authorities consider a full investigation.

Mack gets local with Sainsbury's - 26 Mar
Mack Multiples has joined forces with Heart of England Fine Foods and Sainsbury's to launch a scheme to promote West Midlands seasonal vegetables.

Mack and Geest sign jv - 31 Mar
Mack and Geest have set up a jv to manage their potato and conventional and organic vegetable business with Marks & Spencer.

Earliest ever British strawberries hit Sainsbury's - 16 Mar
The earliest British strawberries ever to hit Sainsbury's stores arrived on Sunday, seven weeks early.

Tesco feels the heat on the high street - 09 Mar
Retail competition is intensifying and even Tesco is feeling the heat, with sales growth the lowest in several years according to TNS Worldpanel.

M&S clarifies trading terms - 08 Mar
Marks & Spencer has clarified the details of its revised trading terms with its suppliers, in which it is asking them to "contribute" to its success.

Asda defends payment demands - 31 Mar
Asda is defending itself against accusations it has been asking suppliers from up-front cash payments.