Model Sophie Anderton launched the British Berry season

Model Sophie Anderton launched the British Berry season

British berries score with Sophie - 02 Jun
As model Sophie Anderton launched the strawberry season this week in eye-catching fashion, the UK soft-fruit industry has been spared the ravages of one of the wettest Mays on record by its use of polytunnels and has been using the fact to its media advantage.

Anglo-Chilean alliance in berry category - 06 Jun
A new company - Euroberryuk - has been formed from an alliance between two established grower owned companies from both sides of the Atlantic.

Sainsbury's Oliver embarrass government - 28 Jun
The government has been embarrassed by "apolitical" celebrity chef Jamie Oliver and Sainsbury's, who have distanced themselves from a Department of Health campaign to encourage families to eat together.

Things get ugly at Waitrose - 20 Jun
Waitrose is launching a range of 'ugly' fruit this week, making Class II fruit available across its stores.

Tesco notches up another record - 05 Jun
Tesco's market share has broken another record, rising to 31.1 per cent, according to the latest TNS Worldpanel grocery market share figures.

Disney does cartoon fresh - 12 Jun
Disney has pledged its name to branded fresh fruit in Tesco and other European supermarkets to appear more health-friendly as its venture with McDonald's approaches expiration.

Greenvale taken into private hands - 07 Jun
Potato supplier Greenvale Holdings plc group (Greenvale) has been taken into private ownership by a purpose-built company.

Morrisons returns to positive growth - 29 Jun
Morrisons has moved into positive growth (of two per cent) for the first time since its acquisition of the Safeway business, says TNS.

AG Thames acquires strategic position in Grapes Direct - 01 Jun
AG Thames Holdings Ltd, parent company of Chingford Fruit Ltd, has acquired "a strategic position" in Grapes Direct.

Organic and alive at Tesco - 13 Jun
Tesco has taken the challenge of offering its consumers the freshest produce possible one step further, with the introduction of a new organic living salad.