Waitrose - UK shoppers' second-favourite store

Waitrose - UK shoppers' second-favourite store

Daily Mail "shock" findings slammed - 08 Jan
Prepared salad producers have hit back at the Daily Mail for peddling the "same old tired, inaccurate and incorrect information" about its products.

Waitrose second favourite store for UK shoppers - 27 Jan
Waitrose has made an amazing leap in the list of UK shoppers' favourite stores.

UK in force at Berlin - 30 Jan
UK numbers at Fruit Logistica will increase again in 2006, as the annual Berlin show cements its position as the stand-out date in the international calendar.

Veg beaten up by weather - 25 Jan
As UK vegetable growers are starting to recover from the frosty winter, producers across Europe are still feeling the effects of erratic conditions.

Spanish citrus outrage - 12 Jan
Farm-gate prices are less than a quarter the cost of production on some varieties prompting growers to take action.

Fungicide a winner in Israel - 25 Jan
A naturally occuring biological fungicide is proving to be a winner for Israeli farmers.

Spanish lemon crisis - 31 Jan
The Spanish lemon sector is facing its deepest crisis in living memory, the director of sector body Ailimpo told FPJ.

Apple import licence move prompts fears - 19 Jan
A European Commission committee has agreed to implement import licences for all apples from third countries into the EU from February 1 for a two-year period.

US speculation surrounds Fyffes - 25 Jan
Speculation is rife in the US as to interested buyers for a majority stake in Fresh Del Monte Produce.

Fruit health row brewing down under - 18 Jan
A row is brewing down under over draft regulations which could leave New Zealand and Australian fruit producers unable to claim their produce as healthy.
