Another devastating hurricane season is forecast, but fails to materialise

Another devastating hurricane season is forecast, but fails to materialise

Snake shock for Tesco shopper - 05 Apr
A Tesco shopper got more than she bargained for when she discovered a live snake in her bag of broccoli.

Sainsbury's Oliver embarrass government - 28 Jun
The government has been embarrassed by "apolitical" celebrity chef Jamie Oliver and Sainsbury's, who have distanced themselves from a Department of Health campaign to encourage families to eat together.

Asda re-claims number two spot - 05 Apr
Sainsbury's celebrations of taking the number two spot from Asda proved short-lived with the announcement of the latest TNS Worldpanel data.

More hurricane devastation forecast - 17 Apr
Meteorologists forecast another devastating hurricane season for Central and North America and the Caribbean in 2006.

Is Tesco losing its grip? - 12 Apr
Tesco could be seeing its lead over its supermarket rivals slip, according to the latest figures from TNS Worldpanel.

Greenery wants more - 24 Apr
The Greenery UK hopes to make more of the opportunities it has to bring Dutch glasshouse product into the UK and to import more products from countries other than the Netherlands.

Tesco launches supplier training - 07 Apr
Tesco is backing a ground-breaking training scheme aimed at helping its suppliers develop and retain the highest calibre of people.

Government to scrap school scheme - 28 Apr
The government is pulling the plug on the School Fruit & Vegetable Scheme and the fresh produce industry has 18 months to assist in the creation of a suitable replacement.

Tesco launches cancer-fighting tom - 13 Apr
A cancer-fighting tomato is to be launched onto the UK market by Tesco.

Sainsbury's herb sales rocket - 10 Apr
Sainsbury's has reported a 13 per cent rise in herb sales over the last year. According to the retailer's Chris Wells, sales have been driven by a combination of increasing consumer awareness and focus on ensuring product is available in store.