While the main theme of May’s Re:fresh Conference was reducing this industry’s carbon footprint, more than one speaker made it clear that the water footprint world production is leaving in its wake should not be overlooked.
On freshinfo this week, we feature the lesser-hyped of these two newfound ‘evils’ and while we can all dismiss them as modern-day buzzwords, we’d be foolish to do so.
The problem with so many of these issues is that they get over-elaborated upon way before the people who need to address them have grasped the basics - and can therefore easily be neatly erased from the conscience as having moved on to become someone else’s problem.
We don’t have to work the detail out for ourselves, though - there are people equipped to do it for us. What we have to learn as an industry is how to use the information that is available to us, usually at minimal expense, more effectively.
The FPC’s monthly update, also on freshinfo now, outlines the progress it has made on behalf of the entire industry, members and otherwise, towards smoothing plant health regulations into a more workable, affordable form for the trade. It is a timely example of what can be achieved by a representative body, yet these efforts are so often understated and unheralded.
The truth is out there - you just need to work out where to go to find it.