British & Brazilian sold to AG Thames - 19th Feb
Produce World Ltd has announced the disposal of its interests in British & Brazilian Ltd (B&B) to fruit firm AG Thames Ltd.
Ex-Tesco man warns sector- 14th Feb
Former Tesco produce director Peter Durose has warned suppliers to watch retailers carefully and adjust their structures and what they offer to bring them in line with what they see.
Co-op to close Somerfield HQ- 16th Feb
The Co-operative Group has announced it is to close Somerfield's head office in Bristol, putting hundreds of jobs at risk.
Asda fury over Tesco claims- 2nd Feb
Supermarket giants Asda and Tesco are being investigated after clashes in advertising have left them toe-to-toe over their low-price claims.
Fruit Logistica battles through- 9th Feb
Fruit Logistica 2009 battled through "difficult financial times" to re-enforce its role as the focus of the fruit industry with a record number of exhibitors, despite a drop-off in the increase of visitors.
Tesco US dealt blow- 24th Feb
Tesco's US strategy has been dealt a huge blow as the UK retail giant has admitted a mistake in strategy, slowing the planned opening of over 80 stores.
Fresca sets out Thanet plans- 6th Feb
Fresh produce supplier Fresca has announced bold plans for the coming year, with the first product to emerge from the Thanet Earth project set to hit shelves soon and a focus on UK product promised.
UK may face food crisis- 3rd Feb
A shortage in UK food and a steep hike in prices are set to throw the country into crisis in the coming years, according to London-based think-tank Chatham House.
Spanish call crisis meeting- 7th Feb
Spanish growers have called crisis meetings as inclement weather, low prices, lack of water and third-country competition threaten their season.
Whole Foods Market admits UK troubles- 26th Feb
The world's largest organics retailer, Whole Foods Market, has announced a sales increase globally amid UK financial troubles and rebranding measures.