Asda beats fruit-sales record - 26 Jun
Asda has seen its fruit sales shoot through the roof and last week claimed to have sold more fresh fruit than ever before.
Chiquita to launch strawberry-flavoured bananas - 06 Jun
Chiquita International has announced plans to market strawberry-flavoured bananas.
Asda gets smart on prepared - 10 Jun
Asda is aiming to lower the price of prepared produce with the launch of its Smartprice brand into the category as it looks to continue to improve its produce offer.
Avocado with edible skin hits UK shelves - 16 Jun
An avocado with smooth, black and edible skin has gone on sale at Marks & Spencer this week.
Tesco values suppliers - 10 Jun
Tesco prizes its relationships with its producers as highly as it does its customers, claimed Tim Lee, fruit category manager.