Aerial pic Cornerways

Cornerways Nursery

Thanet Earth has signed a five-year deal with British Sugar to market the Cornerways Nursery tomato crop.

The new contract, which kicks off on 1 January 2016 and covers sales to national retailers, will mean Thanet Earth will market 25 per cent of all UK-grown tomatoes, combining Cornerways’ 18ha of glasshouse production at Wissington, Norfolk, with Thanet Earth’s 18ha in Kent.

“This arrangement allows Thanet Earth to make a significant increase to the amount of UK-grown crop it can offer customers and helps unlock greater overall programme volumes,” the company said in a statement. “This will bring increases in the volume of imported tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers managed by Thanet Earth too.”

Thanet Earth stressed plans to continue expanding the Kent glasshouse site are still afoot, with “exciting news expected soon”.

Thanet Earth managing director Des Kingsley said: “Building on a hugely successful period of operation to date, the team has generated strong momentum and delivered excellence in every respect. This significant new achievement builds on this progress, and we’ll be working closely to make sure we make the most of this great opportunity.”

Patrick Harte, general manager of Cornerways Nursery, added: “Cornerways are delighted to have signed a five-year agreement with Thanet Earth. It is great for us to have a partnership with a forward-thinking partner with a similar set of ambitions and values.”