Tesco slashes produce prices

Tesco has slashed the price on a number of produce items, in what it claims is a bid to get people eating healthily.

The retailer has added more than 20 new lines to its Value range, ranging from the everyday items like apples and tomatoes to the more exotic, such as mangoes and kiwifruit.

Tim Lee, produce manager, said: “This will be wonderful news for everyone struggling to get by on a tight budget, especially mums and dads bringing up young families.

“While the price of most food continues to go up, we are committed to bringing down prices and making items that some people would consider fancy affordable for all.”

The retailer said it now has almost 60 Value lines on fresh produce, ranging from potatoes to bagged lettuce.

The move follows Asda’s recent launch of its Smartprice brand into the produce sector, bringing the price of banana’s to a record low and prompting the other retailers to follow suit.