Tesco shuffles its pack as Quinn quits after 21 years

Tesco’s category director for fresh produce is to leave the business, FPJ can reveal.

Dan Quinn’s departure after 21 years with the retailer comes at a time of upheaval within the supermarket’s fresh produce team, as a number of senior figures leave and new names come in.

It is understood Quinn is leaving for a role outside the industry.

A letter to suppliers signed by commercial director Andrew Yaxley and seen by FPJ said Quinn will be replaced by Richard Marris, the category director for convenience foods.

Yaxley wrote: “I would like to thank Dan for his contribution during his tenure as category director for produce, where we have made great progress in many areas.”

Of Marris he said: “Richard has made an outstanding contribution in his current area, where he has led a sustained outperformance in the market.”

Elsewhere in the department, vegetable and organic category manager Alain Guilpain is moving abroad to become trading director for Tesco’s Czech business from later this month.

His departure means a return to the fresh produce department for Kris Comerford. From 5 December, he will manage the vegetable and salad category. Comerford is currently running the retailer’s fresh food counters business.

In a further move, John Driscoll will run the fruit category after Nick Tatum’s switch to bakery. Driscoll, who starts after Christmas, moves over from the meat department, where he is category buying manager for red meat.

A supplier source said: “Kris Comerford knows fresh produce and will be like a duck to water. There’ll be no real upheaval for Tesco as these are really strong appointments. It’s not like the blind leading the blind.”