South African avocados are the focus of a major consumer promotion at Tesco. The push features:
• a competition to win a holiday in South Africa
• the chance to win one of 100 fitness club weekend passes
• a free 32-page Summer Avocado recipe booklet for everyone who purchases South African avocados in Tesco stores.
The promo is the brainchild of London-based South African Avocado Information Service, and is also being publicised in more than 250,000 copies of consumer magazine Tesco Healthy Living.
This is a continuation of the summer-lomg initiatives of the South African Avocado Growers' Association, which has been a leader in the UK market in the last seven years and claims to have done more than any other producer country to lift the value of the market to £23 million in that time, doubling annual avocado consumption figures to 400g a head in the process.