Ben Gill launches the Red Tractor Promise campaign

Ben Gill launches the Red Tractor Promise campaign

Farming leaders have welcomed Tesco’s announcement of a package of measures to help raise the profile of the Red Tractor Logo.

The retailer, which was one of the first to display the newly redesigned Red Tractor logo, is now looking at ways to make the symbol more recognisable.

From next month the Logo - which aims to communicate to customers that UK food has been produced to independently inspected high standards - will be featured on Tesco TV in over one hundred stores.

On top of this, the retailer will conduct a Clubcard mail out to more than a quarter of a million customers to promote RT labelled produce, meat and cheese.

Further work will be conducted in store, with point of sale material used throughout the produce department.

Steve Murrells, Tesco commercial director, said: “This is great news for farmers, and it shows how hard Tesco works to support British Agriculture.

“The Red Tractor Logo is a useful tool which shows customers, at a glance, that they are buying British - and buying into the highest standards of production.

“We will continue to work together with Assured Food Standards and the wider industry to raise awareness of the Logo and promote it to our customers.”

Tim Bennett, president of the National Farmers’ Union, said: “Our industry has invested huge resource and effort into developing farm assurance and its indicator for consumers.

“The logo communicates not only the origin of the food produced, but that it has been subjected to vigorous independently inspected standards at all points of the Food Chain.

“Tesco’s use and promotion of the Red Tractor will provide consumers with the information they need to make a positive choice to support Britain’s Farmers and growers.”
