Staff at Tesco's Broadstairs store back the promotion

Staff at Tesco's Broadstairs store back the promotion

New season Kentish potatoes hit Tesco shelves this week in specially branded Kent display units featuring images of the county.

The offer is being complemented by in-store point-of-sale materials including bunting, posters, t-shirts and recipe cards from the county’s TV chef Mark Sargeant.

Tesco’s local marketing manager Chris Minter said: “We are delighted to be working with The Kent Potato Company on the roll out of such an important product to the area.

"The Kent focus is part of the overall Tesco local plan to highlight and promote all the great local products available throughout the country. Working with the producers, we can help highlight to customers some of the delights that are sitting on their own doorstep and make it convenient for them to purchase.”

Kent seasonal new potatoes are available in stores around the county at £1.45 a kilo.
