Respondents in this week’s freshinfo poll believe there is little chance of Tesco falling from its top spot as the UK’s number-one supermarket any time soon.

Some 22 per cent said they did not think any retailer would ever be able to knock Tesco off the top spot, while 26, 23 and 29 per cent thought it could happen but would not be within 20, 10 or five years respectively.

One voter qualified his ballot by commenting: “It will only happen if they are forced to split up because they are too big.”

Pollster Rupert Knowles said he “hoped” Tesco was knocked off its perch. He said: “We just see another example of their insolence with Nurture - what is wrong with GlobalGAP?”

And the issue of suppliers’ suffering was also raised. One anonymous respondent said: “I find it hard that Tesco bangs on about offering better value to the customer, then posts its best profits ever.

“People must be plain stupid in the UK to carry on shopping there and be ripped off each time. Also, how many people on the supply side have lost their jobs based on the fact that Tesco is turning the screw more and more on suppliers, who in turn lay people off?”

And respondent Sam Wibberley indicated that Asda operated in a similar fashion, writing: “The suppliers are being hounded out of business by people in the head offices who do not understand the value of working with suppliers and not bleeding them to death.”
