Tesco facing growing backlash

The signs of a backlash against Tesco are starting to grow, following the announcement of the retailer breaking the £2 billion profit barrier.

A groundswell of anti-Tesco opinion has blamed the retailer’s price wars for putting pressure on rival, smaller multiples and specialised independents.

And international development agency ActionAid chose this week to release its report - Rotten Fruit - criticising conditions of South African women working on seven Tesco-accredited farms.

The research focuses mainly on top-fruit production in the Western Cape and details wages below minimum levels for long-term casual staff, exposure to pesticides, unfit housing and lack of adequate protective gear such as boots and gloves.

ActionAid found that the voluntary approach adopted by the industry in South Africa with regard to safeguarding worker-welfare is not working adequately for all workers and long-term casual women labourers are suffering as a result.

Tesco claimed that it is working on the issue, but conceded that the situation for causal labour is not the same as for permanent.

"South Africa faces a challenge in upholding for some temporary workers the standards that apply to permanent workers," said a spokesperson. "It is wrong to link this issue directly to importers, particularly those like Tesco who apply and enforce high standards. The issue can best be tackled through grower, supplier, government, business and NGO co-operation. This cooperation is already happening in the South African wine sector, and we are happy to play our part with others to achieve progress in the fruit sector."
