Tesco has fired the first salvo in the new year’s price battles by cutting £80 million off hundreds of products.

The announcement will also coincide with the retailer’s new TV advertising campaign to highlight its online Tesco Price Checker, which is aimed at proving it is the cheapest UK supermarket.

The program checks the prices of 10,000 products against Asda, Sainsbury’s and Morrisons and Tesco claims it is the most comprehensive price-checking service available to customers in the UK.

Tim Mason, director with Tesco, said: “Shoppers who use our price checker know exactly how we compare on price against Asda, Sainsbury’s and Morrions

“As our Christmas special offers come to a close, we know how important it is to keep our everyday prices low.”

The retailer has cut prices on 500 products across the store, with average reductions of around nine per cent, and cover everything from health and beauty to fresh produce.
