Tesco boost for prepared veg

Tesco hopes to double sales of prepared veg through the development of a new strategy plan for the sector.

The UK’s number one retailer is set to hold a brain-storming session with four of its suppliers next week to look at ways to double the size of the market over the next three years.

The meeting, at the NFU headquarters in London, will see the retailer and suppliers share information, with a focus on customer trends, and analyse how the suppliers can develop their business with Tesco.

Tesco said prepared veg is key to its drive to offer the widest range of healthy products to its customers.

Adrian Lewis, vegetable buyer, said: “There is increasing consumer demand for convenient vegetables and the sector is seeing very strong growth.

“To develop ranges and new products for these changing consumer trends we must share information about what is happening in our stores. This enables suppliers to shape their businesses along with us to meet the ever changing demands of the consumer.”

During the meeting, each supplier will make a presentation on a range of different topics, including customer perceptions of the Tesco range.

Spokeswoman for potato supplier Branston, Jo Parish, said: “This day is an excellent opportunity for dialogue across the industry.

“Tesco is providing us with a platform to voice our ideas and is giving us, in return, the support we need to work on new areas for growth.”

Richard Hirst, chairman of the NFU's national horticultural board, welcomed the move: "The development of a prepared vegetable strategy will increase the opportunities for British growers.

"Working collaboratively to develop these ranges and using British fresh produce wherever possible means Tesco, their suppliers, and British growers can look forward to building a solid future in this important market."