Tenderstem judged most tender broccoli

Research conducted by Warwick University’s Horticultural Research Institute (HRI) has confirmed that Tenderstem broccoli is the most tender variety of broccoli available on the market today, outshining both purple sprouting and traditional varieties, as well recently introduced newer varieties.

The most significant results show that Tenderstem broccoli is between 25-30 per cent more tender than purple sprouting broccoli.

Sold in both pre-pack and ready-trimmed prepared packs, Tenderstem broccoli has a mild, distinctive flavour and a texture more akin to asparagus than traditional broccoli. Tenderstem broccoli needs shorter cooking times than other varieties to achieve the perfect texture and can even be eaten raw, ensuring more of the vegetable’s health properties are retained.

Matt Gedney, one of the UK’s leading Tenderstem producers, explained: “The careful nurturing of Tenderstem broccoli plants is a key factor in growing the best and most tender broccoli available. Firstly, Tenderstem broccoli seeds, which have been specifically cultivated, grow into seedlings, which are transferred to the ground. Plants are then manipulated by skilled growers who ‘pinch out’ the middle floret bud to create the characteristic long stems of Tenderstem broccoli. Stems are then checked regularly and hand harvested at just the right time, before being immediately cooled to 2°C to retain maximum freshness, taste and texture. It is incredibly labour-intensive, but the hard work is clearly worth it with results like these.”

Andy Macdonald of Coregeo, which owns the Tenderstem brand in the UK, said: “The tenderness research reinforces our understanding of and commitment to the excellent eating credentials of Tenderstem broccoli and has proven that it is the most tender of all broccoli varieties.

“Both avid fans and those who try Tenderstem for the first time have a strong and growing appreciation of its unique flavour and texture, and we are delighted that we can now support their instincts with scientific fact.”
