Originally piloted in Japan, the programme Taste Zespri is a new standard which aims to ensure Zespri kiwifruit is 'consistently the best tasting in the world,' said Zespri ceo Tony Marks.
'This is a major initiative which will help stimulate category growth and repeat purchase.' More than 500 growers turned out in January at field days organised by Zespri to learn how to manage their orchards in order to achieve the upgraded taste standards.
'The Taste Zespri standard perfectly exemplifies the power of the integrated orchard-to-retail production and marketing system where we can work together quickly to bring new innovations to our customers which benefit everyone from consumer to grower,' said Marks.
Demonstrations were given on pruning and canopy management to improve dry-matter accumulation for improved taste and ways of reducing the variability within the canopy were also discussed.
Growers also received advice on ways to minimise pests.
The new standard will be introduced to all Zespri products and markets from this season onwards.