A delegation of Tanzanian producers visited the UK last week, reporting encouraging signs for the country's fresh produce export industry.
With a supply portfolio similar to Kenya, Tanzania has the potential to substantially increase its exports of fresh fruit and vegetables to Western Europe. Growth is forecast every year to 2010, albeit from a very low base.
Salum Diwani, director of Bytrade Tanzania Ltd, (pictured centre) told the Journal: 'Although much still needs to be achieved both pre-and-post harvest before Tanzania reaches its full potential the necessary steps are being taken to improve infrastructure at all levels. 'This includes better agronomy, a more co-ordinated approach to marketing amongst the country's many small-scale growers and heavier focus on quality provision. Emphasis is on developing effective extension services, quality practices and protocols and full traceability,' he said.
Growers are diversifying into high value lines, some of which could fill gaps in the UK supply calendar.
Wild mushrooms, peas, mangetout, mini veg, mangoes, purple passionfruit, physalis and baby bananas have been identified as good niche opportunities.