Leon Jahae

Leon Jahae

Sweetie apples will be planted in the UK from November 2011.

The New Zealand variety is a cross between Gala and Braeburn and a sister to Jazz, as it came from the same programme.

The apple will be planted in the UK from next winter, by The Co-operative Farms. Around 10,000 trees will be planted in the first year and the first arrivals will hit the shelves in September 2012, when 30-40t should be available.

Belgium-based ursery René Nicolaï is the head licence holder of the variety.

Leon Jahae, a top-fruit consultant who works for Agrovista, said: “This apple fills the gap between September and December and picks seven days before Gala - it covers a part of the season in which we don’t have that much choice. For that period of time, it’s a better apple that stores better; it has a longer shelf life and answers the needs of the consumer.”